Saturday, January 23, 2010

Has anyone waxed their arms or legs? How long does it last? Does the hair always grow back thicker on the arms

Ive waxed my legs one time and man it was painful! But it did last longer than shaving. I still shave my legs because I don't think I could go through that much pain again, lol. I have sensitive skin so it was a really bad experience for me. As for my arms, I never waxed them. Its natural to have hair on your arms. Most people do not wax or shave them unless its really thick or dark. I only shaved them one time when I was a teen and it did not grow back thicker. Just itched like crazy! Good luck!Has anyone waxed their arms or legs? How long does it last? Does the hair always grow back thicker on the arms
I have waxed my legs for 25 plus years. The hairs grow back thinner, finer and less and less the more you have it done. Only shaving and the smelly creams will make the hair grow back thicker and coarser. Waxing lasts longer - up to 6 weeks. In the summer, you may find the hairs grow back a little faster, in 4 weeks. Once you have waxed, you'll probably never shave again. Find a salon that uses Sugar Wax - it's the best by far.

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