Monday, January 18, 2010

Ladies: Do you shave or wax the hair on your arms?

On my arms? No. I've never met anyone who shaved or waxed their arm hair.Ladies: Do you shave or wax the hair on your arms?
neither.Ladies: Do you shave or wax the hair on your arms?

I have very light skin, so I just bleach the hairs.

If you have darker skin, I would recomend waxing, because shaving can make the hair grow back darker, and it's a big hassle.

Hope I helped.
neither, and it will look weird when it starts to grow back, nad it wil be very itchy.

i don't rly think it's normal to do it unless you get dared to?!

But if you have dark hair its better to have it waxed.
Neither. I don't mind hair on arms.
No neither
I have thicker hair on my arms than most people. So I get them waxed. However, if my wax artist can't get me a booking, I just use hair removal cream until I get one.

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